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Mediumship and the Afterlife: What Happens in a Spirit Reading?

Mediumship is a practice that aims at creating a link between the living and the dead in order to communicate with the spirits of the departed. By means of spirit readings, mediums are able to communicate to the living on behalf of the dead. This paper aims at discussing what occurs during a spirit reading, […]

Crystal Ball Readings

Crystal Ball Readings: Myths, Truths, and How They Work

Psychic Readings Methods

Psychic Readings

Understanding Psychic Reading

The Art Of Tarot Reading

Psychic Readings

Psychic Readings Methods

The practice of psychic readings has captivated audiences for ages. They provide a window into the mysterious. Guidance, insight, or simple curiosity drive many to seek out psychic readings. Let’s take a look at the many varieties of psychic readings. Readings using tarot cards are quite common. One deck of 78 cards is all they […]

Psychic Readings

Understanding Psychic Reading


Mediumship and the Afterlife: What Happens in a Spirit Reading?

Mediumship is a practice that aims at creating a link between the living and the dead in order to communicate with the spirits of the departed. By means of spirit readings, mediums are able to communicate to the living on behalf of the dead. This paper aims at discussing what occurs during a spirit reading, […]

The Art Of Tarot Reading

Crystal Ball Readings
Crystal Ball Readings Spiritual

Crystal Ball Readings: Myths, Truths, and How They Work

Tarot readings, as seen in movies and novels, are one of the oldest methods of foretelling the future where psychics use a crystal ball to predict a person’s life experiences. This practice is commonly called scrying, where one looks into the crystal and tries to decipher symbols, images or impressions that are seen. It is […]

Psychic Readings
Psychic Readings Spiritual

Understanding Psychic Reading

For generations, the practice of psychic reading has piqued people’s interest and curiosity. People have looked to psychics for answers about the future, the unknown, and establishing a connection to the spiritual realm from ancient civilizations to the present day. Discover the ins and outs of psychic reading as this article covers its origins, variations, […]

Latest Insights

Mediumship and the Afterlife: What Happens in a Spirit Reading?


Mediumship is a practice that aims at creating a link between the living and the dead in order to communicate with the spirits of the departed. By means of spirit readings, mediums are able to communicate to the living on behalf of the dead. This paper aims at discussing what occurs during a spirit reading, the involvement of the medium, and the information that can be obtained about the afterlife.

Understanding Mediumship

Spiritism is based on the premise that consciousness does not cease with death. Spirits are believed to inhabit another world and mediums are considered to have a way of interacting with these spirits. Methods of mediumship also differ but, it is a practice where the medium opens up himself or herself to a different level of consciousness in order to receive messages from the spirits.

The Spirit Reading Process

Spirit Reading Process

A usual spirit reading starts with the medium making some preliminary inquiries to the client. The client may inform the counselor about his or her goals or questions that he or she wants to be answered in the session. However, many mediums prefer to begin with no such information to be given to them in order for them to be able to connect directly with the spirit world.

When the medium establishes contact with the spirit, they can go into a trance to improve their psychic powers. It enables them to attune themselves to the energy of the client as well as any spirits seeking to convey a message. The medium can also feel something, see visions or hear something that will enable him or her to understand the messages received from the spirit world.

Messages from Spirits

In a spirit reading, the mediums pass on messages that are meant to bring solace, reassurance or direction. Such messages can be of different types:

Messages from Spirits

Biographical Data: The spirits may disclose certain aspects of their lives to the client for instance, name, date, or any other incident that may affect the client. This validation supports the process of proving the fact and enhances the relationship.

Emotions: There is a lot of emphasis on emotional level in the readings. Some of the spirits may convey messages of love and protection to the clients to assist them in coming to terms with loss. It may be apologies, words of love or words to encourage the other to keep on moving.

Help on Life Choices: Spirits may provide guidance on issues that may be going on in the life of the clients. Such messages may help define relationships, choose a career or work on personal development.

The Role of the Medium

It is therefore important for the medium to effectively help in the communication between worlds. They should be able to listen to the information and remain alert to the messages while at the same time explaining the same to the client. This involves a combination of instinct, compassion and ability to put across ideas in a way that can easily be understood.

Ethics is one more essential aspect of mediumship as well. Responsible mediums have to respect the consent of the clients and the spirits as well. They try to provide a protective and nurturing atmosphere to the clients in order to help them understand their emotions and situations.

Insights into the Afterlife

Spirit readings are very helpful in understanding the culture’s beliefs regarding the hereafter. Most of the clients have attributed feelings of comfort when receiving messages from their deceased family and friends. These experiences can enhance the belief in the afterlife and the existence of a soul beyond the physical realm.

Spirit readings

Also, spirit readings are not necessarily in a way that would conform to the traditional perception of death as the finality of life. They prefer to propose that death is just a transition to another form of existence where love and consciousness continue.


Spiritualism is a way of reaching out to the deceased and getting information concerning what happens after death. Spirit readings can be defined as an interaction that is conducted by mediums, in which messages are passed on to the clients in order to offer comfort, healing and direction. In an attempt to gain knowledge on the state of their loved ones in the afterlife, mediumship is a helpful reminder of the fact that love is eternal. If you are looking for closure or just interested in what happens after death, then talking to a medium will help to shed light on your journey.

Crystal Ball Readings: Myths, Truths, and How They Work

Crystal Ball Readings

Tarot readings, as seen in movies and novels, are one of the oldest methods of foretelling the future where psychics use a crystal ball to predict a person’s life experiences. This practice is commonly called scrying, where one looks into the crystal and tries to decipher symbols, images or impressions that are seen. It is important to note that crystal balls do not have any supernatural powers; instead, they are used to help the reader to concentrate.

One of the most typical myths is that any reading will be accurate. Although there are professional psychic readers who can help in receiving useful information, the success of a session depends on many factors such as the proficiency level of the reader and the willingness of the client. In fact, it is important to note that crystal ball readings are not only about divination but also about the state of the soul and how to deal with it.

In a reading, the psychic prepares the atmosphere and the crystal and then proceeds to meditate on the crystal. They may see in this ball some colors or shapes that may reflect the different areas of the client’s life. These images have to be explained by engaging the reader’s instinct.

Conclusively, crystal ball readings can help to reveal the future, help one heal emotionally and in decision making. Thus, learning how these readings are conducted and debunking myths around it, a person can come to this practice with an open mind and a pure intention.

Psychic Readings Methods

The practice of psychic readings has captivated audiences for ages. They provide a window into the mysterious. Guidance, insight, or simple curiosity drive many to seek out psychic readings. Let’s take a look at the many varieties of psychic readings.

  1. Tarot Card Readings

Readings using tarot cards are quite common. One deck of 78 cards is all they need. There is distinct imagery and symbolism on each card. A person who reads the Tarot cards is known as a reader of the cards. Insights are offered according to the cards that are drawn. Questions can be addressed through tarot readings. Additional life advice is available from them as well.

  1. Astrology Readings

Astrology has been around for a long time. Its primary focus is the study of astronomical positions. Astrologers use the details of your birth—the time, place, and date—to construct a birth chart. Personality traits and life paths can be revealed through these charts. Fate can be foretold through astrology. Gaining a better understanding of the present is another benefit.

  1. Palmistry

Reading people’s palms is called palmistry. It analyzes your hand’s contours and lines. Aspects of life are symbolized by each line. As an example, the heart line represents feelings. Vitality and longevity are shown by the life line. Your character and future can be revealed by a palmist.

  1. Mediumship

Mediums establish contact with the afterlife. Those who have passed on are able to communicate with them. Comfort and closure are provided by mediumship. Knowing that those they care about are still alive is a comfort. Mediums frequently communicate with the afterlife. You may find solace or direction in these messages.

  1. Aura Readings

Your body’s energy field is the primary focus of aura readings. You can see your emotional state, physical well-being, and mental state reflected in this field, which is also called, aura. These energies can be perceived or perceived by aura readers. What they see in terms of shapes and colors is interpreted by them. By reading your aura, you can gain insight into your mental and physical health.

  1. Numerology

How significant are numbers in your life? That’s what numerology is all about. We use your name and birthday. Numbers are assigned to letters by numerologists. They use this data to deduce your fate and life’s trajectory. Understanding one’s personality and life circumstances can be aided by numerology.

  1. Rune Readings

Ancient symbols known as runes are utilized in rune readings. The early Germanic peoples made use of these symbols. The meaning of each rune is unique. After casting the runes, readers must decipher their arrangement. You can find answers to your questions and guidance through rune readings. Their advice is rooted in age-old knowledge.

8. Crystal Ball Readings


Scrying is another name for crystal ball readings. One who reads this, known as a scryer, looks into a crystal ball. As a result, they have hallucinations and enter a trance state. The purpose of interpreting these visions is to offer direction. Mystical and fascinating, crystal ball readings are.

9. Angel Card Readings

In angel card readings, the cards depict angels are used. Though they resemble Tarot cards, the emphasis here is on guidance from above. In order to convey messages from the angels, readers decipher the cards. You will find solace and heavenly wisdom in these readings.

  1. Pendulum Readings

One method of divination is the use of a pendulum. Something heavy hung from a string is called a pendulum. All the reader does is ask yes/no questions. Answers are provided by the swings of the pendulum. One easy way to get an accurate reading is with a pendulum.

11. Tea Leaf Readings

Tassometry is another name for reading tea leaves. The patterns in the tea leaves are to be deciphered. Tea leaves tend to settle to the bottom of a cup after each sip. Insights are provided by the reader’s analysis of these patterns. Reading the tea leaves is an old method of horoscopes.

12. I Ching Readings

Traditional I Ching readings make use of the Book of Changes, an old Chinese text. To make hexagrams, the reader can use coins or sticks. Some sections of the I Ching are represented by these hexagrams. In order to provide direction, the reader must understand these passages. Philosophical depths are revealed through I Ching readings.

  1. Psychometry

Objects’ energies can be read using psychometry. Someone else’s property is in the reader’s hands. They pick up on energy vibrations transmitted by the item. These imprints disclose details regarding the person who owns the item. Psychometric testing can reveal character quirks and life experiences.

  1. Clairvoyance

By definition, clairvoyance is “clear seeing.” When clairvoyants close their eyes, they perceive things that the rest of us don’t. Any time in the past, present, or future could be the subject of these dreams. Clear and detailed insights are provided by clairvoyance. It is an incredibly potent psychic talent.

  1. Clairaudience

A person with clairaudience has “clear hearing.” Messengers from the afterlife communicate with claimants. You can use words, sounds, or music to convey these messages. Clairaudience provides auditory direction and understanding. It bridges the gap between the material and ethereal worlds.

  1. Clairsentience

A person with clairsentience has a “clear feeling.” Clairsentients have a sixth sense for energy and emotions. They have an innate ability to take on the feelings of those around them. Feelings can be better understood with the help ofclairsentience. Better understanding and sympathy for other people is a result.

  1. Claircognizance

One definition of claircognizance is “clear knowing.” Someone with claircognizant abilities has a flash of insight without any prior logic or thought process. This information is usually spot-on and deep. Quick insights and solutions are provided by Claircognizance. An innate and potent talent, it is.

  1. Remote Viewing

Perceiving distant or unseen locations is what remote viewing is all about. Without physically being there, the observer details an object or location. Several industries make use of remote viewing, including the research and military sectors. It shows how much the mind is capable of.

  1. Past Life Readings

In past life readings, the focus is on the reader’s past lives. Through this, the reader is able to access memories from various lifetimes. In looking back, we can see the wisdom and experiences of the past. Insights into present-day problems can be gained through past life readings. Recurring patterns and difficulties can be better understood with their aid.

20. Energy Healing Readings

The body’s energy flow is the primary focus of energy healing readings. Obstacles and imbalances are recognized by the reader. They employ methods to bring about a state of balance. Achieving mental and physical health is the goal of energy healing readings. A more balanced energy field promotes better health.

  1. Dream Interpretation

A dream interpreter looks for recurring themes and symbols in dreams. Subtle meanings are revealed to the reader by deciphering these components. The unconscious mind’s desires and thoughts are reflected in dreams. The meaning of dreams can shed light on our deepest struggles and deepest desires.

22. Animal Communication

Telepathic communication between animals is the basis of animal communication. The reader is communicated with by the animal. The animal’s innermost sentiments and ideas are conveyed through these signals. Animal communication helps pets and their owners communicate better.

23. Shamanic Readings

Readings based on shamanic traditions date back thousands of years. The shaman gains access to spiritual realms by entering a trance state. The dead and their ancestors provide them with direction. Spiritual guidance and healing are two of the many benefits of shamanic readings.

24. Psychic Art

Psychic art is a synergy of intuitive knowing and creative skill. Impressions perceived by the artist’s mind inform their artistic creations. Visual insights and messages are conveyed by these works of art. When it comes to psychic readings, psychic art is one of a kind.

  1. Kabbalah Readings

Jewish mysticism is the foundation of kabbalah readings. The reader is guided by the principles and symbols of Kabbalah. Through their interpretation, they provide spiritual direction. The mystical and profound insights can be gleaned from Kabbalah readings.

  1. Channeling

Messages from higher beings can be received through channeling. In order to communicate, the channeler goes into a trance state. These entities can take many forms, including angels, spirits, and more. Deep insight and direction can be accessed through channeling.

27. Akashic Records Readings

A metaphysical record of all events can be accessed through Akashic Records readings. In order to access these records, the reader is required to enter a meditative state. They teach us about lives past, present, and future. Akashic Records readings provide profound enlightenment on a spiritual level.

28. Feng Shui Readings

The energy flow in a home can be evaluated through a Feng Shui reading. The reader examines the spatial and object arrangements. They propose adjustments to promote peace and success. Feng Shui readings improve the energy balance in homes and offices.

  1. Graphology

Graphology is the study of handwriting. The reader analyzes handwriting samples. They interpret personality traits and behaviors. Graphology provides insights into character and emotions.

  1. Dowsing

Dowsing uses tools like rods or pendulums to locate objects or answers. The dowser asks questions and interprets the tool’s movements. Dowsing is used to find water, minerals, and answers to questions.


Psychic readings come in many forms. Each offers unique insights and guidance. Whether you seek comfort, answers, or curiosity, there’s a reading for you. Explore these types and discover the mysteries they reveal. Psychic readings can illuminate the path to understanding and enlightenment.

Understanding Psychic Reading

Psychic Readings

For generations, the practice of psychic reading has piqued people’s interest and curiosity. People have looked to psychics for answers about the future, the unknown, and establishing a connection to the spiritual realm from ancient civilizations to the present day. Discover the ins and outs of psychic reading as this article covers its origins, variations, advantages, and controversies.

Psychic Reading: A Concise Overview

The practice of psychic reading has deep historical roots; ancient cultures such as the Chinese, Greeks, and Egyptians all made use of seers and oracles for guidance and prediction. One famous Greek oracle known for her prophetic powers was the Oracle of Delphi. For Eastern purposes, such as divination and decision-making, the I Ching was consulted by Chinese emperors. All the various types of psychic reading that exist today have their roots in these earliest types of psychic reading.

The growth of organized religion, especially Christianity, during the Middle Ages posed serious problems for psychic reading because such practices were frequently considered heretical. Regardless, a number of variants of psychic reading, including astrology, palmistry, and tarot reading, developed and thrived behind closed doors. There was a renewed focus on paranormal events in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries due to the rise of Spiritualism and the formation of psychic research groups.

Many Forms of Spiritual Guidance

There is a vast variety of psychic reading techniques, each with its own set of resources and approaches. This is a list of some of the most common kinds:

  • Tarot Reading: A deck of 78 cards, each with its own set of symbolic images and meanings, is used in tarot readings. The reader deciphers the querent’s (the one seeking guidance) card reading to reveal information about their life thus far, as well as their plans for the future. Many areas of life, such as relationships, careers, and self-improvement, can be illuminated through tarot reading.
  • Palmistry: Reading the lines, shapes, and mounts of the hands to foretell future events and disclose personality traits is known as palmistry, which is also called chiromancy. In order to provide direction, palmists examine aspects such as the life line, heart line, and head line.
  • Astrology: The premise of astrology is that human events are affected by the placement and motion of the celestial bodies. The date, time, and location of a person’s birth are used by astrologers to create a horoscope, which offers predictions about the person’s personality, life trajectory, and potential outcomes.
  • Clairvoyance: Literally “clear seeing,” is the capacity to gain knowledge about a thing, person, place, or thing beyond what one can learn through one’s five senses. Those who practice clairvoyance frequently report receiving illuminating visions or images.
  • Numerology: Research into the mystical meanings of numbers is known as numerology. Numerologists use a person’s birth date, name, and other numerical details to deduce their character, fate, and life’s mission.
  • Mediumship: The practice of mediumship entails establishing contact between the living and the dead. A medium is someone who can communicate between this world and the next by relaying messages from the afterlife. Following a loss of a loved one, many seek solace in this practice.

Reasons to Consider Psychic Readings

There are many advantages to psychic reading, such as:

  • Self-Awareness: Psychic readings can help one learn more about themselves by revealing their hidden abilities, flaws, and strengths. Developing this kind of self-awareness can pave the way to liberation and progress.
  • Clarity and Direction: When faced with uncertainty, many individuals seek guidance through psychic readings. A psychic can help with any kind of life decision, relationship problem, or professional obstacle.

By providing insight and purpose, reading enables readers to make better decisions.

  • Emotional Healing: Grieving people can find solace and resolution through psychic readings, especially mediumship, which aids in emotional healing. Reassurance and healing can come from hearing messages from the dead.
  • Affirmation and Validation: Psychic readings can provide affirmation by validating one’s experiences and feelings. People may feel more confident and determined to pursue their goals after receiving this validation.
  • Spiritual Connection: Psychic readings can be a great way to gain insight into your spiritual journey and explore the spiritual realm if you’re looking for a deeper spiritual connection. A sense of belonging and accomplishment can develop through this bond.

Disagreements and Doubts

There is some debate surrounding psychic readings, despite their widespread use and apparent benefits. Some people think psychic readings aren’t as accurate as they seem because psychics use psychological techniques like cold reading to make themselves look more credible. The psychic performs a cold reading by making generalizations about the querent that anyone could believe, leading the querent to assume the psychic has insider knowledge.

The reliability of psychic readings has been the subject of conflicting research. Opinions vary on whether psychics really have a special gift for perceiving information or if their success is due to cognitive biases or the placebo effect. When people feel better after reading something, it might be because of the placebo effect or their own faith in the reading’s effectiveness rather than any real change in their condition.

Furthermore, exploitation and fraud are major problems in the psychic reading industry. People who prey on the hopelessness of the masses by pretending to be psychics can demand astronomical sums from those who aren’t trustworthy. Those interested in psychic readings must exercise caution and choose legitimate psychics with integrity.

How to Find a Reliable Psychic

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you search for a trustworthy psychic:

  • Do your homework: Learn as much as you can about the many forms of psychic readings. By familiarizing yourself with the different approaches, you will be better able to identify the reading style that best suits your requirements and interests.
  • Check Out Testimonials: Seek out reviews and endorsements from folks who have used the service before. Recommendations and positive feedback from readers are good indicators of their accuracy and reliability.
  • Get Recommendations: Consult those you know, whether that’s in person or online. You can find reliable psychics through personal recommendations.
  • Verify Credentials: Although psychic readers are not required to hold any kind of official certification, you should be wary of those who claim to be psychic but who may have training or connections to respectable groups. Thoroughly examine their professed qualifications.
  • Trust Your Gut: When choosing a psychic reader, trust your instincts. Feel free to seek elsewhere if something seems fishy or too good to be true.
  • Begin with a Simple Task: Start with a cheap, brief reading to get a feel for the reader’s pace and accuracy. Additional in-depth sessions are an option if you feel ready and comfortable.

In Summary

Psychic readings continue to be a mysterious and fascinating way to gain understanding, direction, and a link to the otherworldly. Despite its detractors and difficulties, many people benefit from the increased self-awareness, emotional healing, and spiritual development that it offers. People can delve into this intriguing realm of psychic readings and maybe find out some deep truths about themselves and their lives if they approach them with an open mind and use their discernment.

For believers, skeptics, or those who fall somewhere in the middle, psychic reading is appealing because it can shed light on the unknown and reveal the extraordinary by delving into the secrets of the human experience.

The Art Of Tarot Reading

For many years down the line, tarot card readings have been a source for people to find some sort of clarity in the way they view their lives and the decisions they make or should make.

There are many instances where people might find themselves starting at the fork at the crossroads and that’s when they seek guidance, perhaps of a spiritual nature.

But does the art of tarot readings actually help individuals make better life decisions? Does it make life easier? And is it accurate?

While tarot cards are all range at the moment, there certainly are some viable questions and scrutiny surrounding this topic. We will try and attempt to answer them all in this art of tarot reading article, so don’t stop now. Continue reading and learn all about what tarot reading encompasses.

The Origin

The first thing to you need to know about tarot reading is where it came from and what it was used for before it started to hold the meaning it does today.

Many historians believe the origin of tarot card reading was from the 14th century in Europe, which started merely as a parlor game with nothing to do with your fortune or future.

This is largely a game that very few could afford to play, so it typically only entertained the nobility and higher-ups of the community. This also has to do with the accessibility of printing presses, which came much later after the invention of the “game.”

But once the cards were freely available to the common folk, they quickly became a medium that was used for spiritless and divination purposes. By the late 16th century, the symbols used in tarot cards were given much deeper meanings, and even the tarot spreads started to hold deeper answers than just pictures.

The Game Changer

Arthur Waite and Pamela (Pixie) Coleman Smith introduced tarot readings to the symbolic illustrations we know of today’s tarot cards in 1909. After this, tarot cards were no longer just the rich man’s parlor game but became a much more divine medium that many sought to connect with their spiritual selves.

The Tarot Deck

A typical tarot deck has 78 cards in total, which are divided into the Major and Minor Arcana. The former 22 cards, and the later has 56 cards. The 22-card deck (Major Arcana) is known to hold the symbols and imagery of major or significant life changes or lessons, which can go either way- a positive or a negative shift from your current situation depending on the spread.

On the other hand, the Minor Arcana with 56 cards has symbols representing the different elements of life- water, earth, air, and fire. Each of these suits has their own meanings attached to them. Along with these four suits, the Minor Arcana also has four additional cards: the King, Queen, Knight, and Page.

How To Start Reading Tarot Cards

As you might have guessed by now, the art of tarot card reading lies so much in its rich illustrations and imagery. It’s more of a pictorial language that aims to give you answers and solutions to your questions about your own life in different aspects.

There’s nothing like a reader’s secret regarding tarot card readings. Each picture or symbol has its own specific meaning and the spread will define your ultimate interpretation of the cards. There’s never an absolute truth or lie when it comes to reading your cards, but it depends mostly on what you believe or the narrative you have already chosen.

Tips For Reading Tarot Cards:

  • It’s all about intuition, so make sure you take a few deep breaths and clear your mind to focus on the issue at hand.
  • Mediation before dealing with your cards can be a good way to have a strong connection with the deck, which will eventually give you the answers you seek.
  • Always shuffle the deck as you meditate on your question. This “clears” the deck and helps you reflect upon the question at hand so you’re in the right space of mind to interpret it in the best way possible.
  • When you feel like the shuffle is ready to be dealt, cut the deck and reorder them, but all faced down before you start dealing the cards.
  • As you create your tarot spread, keep meditating on your question so this journey becomes much more meaningful for both the reader and the querent.
  • Tarot readings are not reserved for the ones with supernatural powers. Rather it relies on your wisdom and logic. The path to the unknown can be opened with the interpretations you give according to the spread that lies before you.

Significance Of Tarot Readings

To put it simply, online tarot readings are nothing more than a deep introspection of the self. Many people think that tarot card readings are a scam just because they are sold as an idea that can help you predict the future, which everyone knows is impossible.

More than fortune telling, tarot card readings lean more towards guiding an individual through a tough time but showing another perspective of the issue, which might eventually open doors for more solutions. Hence, the instruction part of tarot readings comes into play.

With only imagery and symbolism to work with, it leaves a lot of room for self-reflection and interpretation. This is why having the correct minds sent is important when walking into a tarot card reading session. Each picture and each illustration hold different meanings that can have an impact on the way you think about these facets of your life.

Personal Development And Tarot Readings

Tarot card readings have a nasty reputation for being scams to trap gullible individuals. But if you look at it from the view of divinity and the spiritual realm, it’s hard to argue its power in playing a proactive role in personal growth.

More than just being a skeptic of the whole practice, if you open your mind to the possibility that tarot reading might help you understand yourself at a deeper level, it might give you some sense of clarity upon the tough decisions and dilemmas you are currently facing.

It’s not a matter of believing in magic or the supernatural but more about being open to the idea that an outside perspective of your current situation and what it might mean for your eminent future can help you. Tarot readers try to help you reach your mind’s subconscious level and bring out what you might have never thought played a role in your decision-making process.

Suppose you’re ready to accept tarot reading to guide you through life by nudging you an inch in the right direction. In that case, you might find yourself being more reflective of your decisions- ultimately resulting in gaining insight into what you should prioritize and what decisions you should be making.